Steps to Revival
2 Chronicles 7:14 If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.
America needs a revival. We have strayed from the faith that this country was founded upon, and have begun to follow after other gods. There is no fear of God anymore. Instead, humanism runs rampant and man has become a god unto himself doing that which seems right in his own eyes. We as the church have stuck our head in the sand and kept silent for too long. They have taken prayer out of our schools. They have tried to take God's name from the courtroom, the pledge of allegiance, and off of our currency. They have tried to destroy the sanctity of marriage. We need to begin to fall on our face, repent, and seek God on behalf of our nation, because judgment is inevitable unless we turn from the direction we are heading.
1 Peter 4:17, 18 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
God is going to judge our nation beginning with His house first. The church has allowed herself to be defiled with the world. In my own life, I have not always walked in total obedience to God and have compromised at times, justified my sin and deceived myself. God is calling us to holiness. We as the Bride of Christ cannot compromise anymore. God is no longer going to wink at our ignorance, but instead He is calling us to repentance.
If we want to see true revival, there are four things that we must do.
First we must humble ourselves. America is a proud nation, boasting in her power and ability. But on 9/11 we began to see just how vulnerable we are and how easily the enemy can sneak in and destroy us. Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. God is far off from the proud, but is near to those that have a broken and contrite spirit. If we want God to come near, we must first acknowledge our depravity and our need for Him.
Second, we must begin to pray. We need to align ourselves spirit, soul and body and begin to pray that God's will would be accomplished on earth even as it is in heaven. Our will must be aligned with His will. Prayer is our lifeline to God. When we are lifted up in pride, God will not hear us. It is when we pray in humility and brokenness that He answers. You have not because you ask not. Do we really want revival or are we content to go on with things "as is"? While Moses spoke to God face to face, the children of Israel were content to worship from a distance. I am tired of worshipping from a distance. I want to experience His glory and power. I want my very countenance to be changed by His presence. You see, once you encounter God's glory, you will never be the same.
Next we must seek His face. Too many times we use prayer to seek God's hands--what He can give us. Prayer becomes about me instead of about Him. This is why it is so important to get in alignment when we pray so that we can be in tune with the Spirit and hear what God is saying. I want to feel the heartbeat of God. I want to be led by His eye. I don't want Him to have to shout from heaven in order to make me hear. I want to be able to hear His whisper.
Most importantly, we need to turn from our wicked ways. Once you have an encounter with a Holy God, it becomes much easier to let go of your sins. In fact, you are compelled to throw yourself upon the altar and beg for His mercy. You realize just how holy He is and how unrighteous you are. You become like Isaiah and say "Woe is me, for I am undone!" Your own righteousness becomes as filthy rags in His Holy Presence. A holy terror and reverent fear falls upon you causing you to prostrate yourself.
If we will take these steps, then God will meet with us and we will experience true revival like we have never seen before. As we cry out to Him, humble ourselves, and seek His face, He will hear our cry, forgive our sins and heal our land.
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