Saturday, December 10, 2005

It's not my kingdom, it's His

by Joe Boyd and Paul Kaak

God is moving. As He always has. Today He is moving in some new "old" ways.

Across America, pastors are leaving the posts, but they aren't resigning from ministry. They are reassigning themselves to their own neighborhoods and to secular workplaces.

Others are staying where they are, and following the Holy Spirit's leadership as they reshape their churches into missional outposts.

Ordinary believers are stepping away from formal church. As they step away, they are stepping into new roles of leadership-pastoring churches that meet in their homes.

Church planters are choosing to church their region, rather than plant the next big regional mega-church.

Denominations are realizing that some forms of church just aren't working as well as they did. Some denominational leaders are laying down the flag of their group in order to encourage kingdom disciple-making and church planting.

All of these people are redeemed sinners - and they have seen what the King is doing. They have tasted His freedom and grace. They are witnesses sent from Jesus to point as a sign toward His Kingdom. The Kingdom of God is among us. The Kingdom of God is rapidly advancing upon North America through the fresh breeze of a resurrected experience of life within the reign of God.

These disciples, growing in number daily, are clear that they did not start or plan this movement of God's Spirit. Left to themselves, they would have built little kingdoms under their own names to satisfy their sinful inclinations. Left to themselves, they would have held tightly to denominational heritages and condemned anyone who believed anything apart from what we knew to be true. Left to themselves, they would have never become friends.

But individualism and isolation were not to be the story. The Spirit of the Living God has merged the individual stories into one story: the story of a redeemed North America and world. There has been a release from the desire to build kingdoms, budgets, buildings, and egos. The Father is whispering into many that have ears to hear. He has revealed what He is doing and is about to do. Friendships are being forged simply because many have heard the same whisper and have attempted to be faithful. As a sign of His power and sovereignty, the King has allowed a whole lot of disciples to hear the whisper as individuals before they encountered each other.

There will soon be a movement of the Spirit in North America. God has planted the seeds of the Kingdom in the good soil of spiritually hungry people. The movement is a simple one-it is understood easily by those who are far from God, but often misunderstood by those within Christendom.

We believe that God wants to see simple churches (missional community of Jesus-followers) within walking distance of every person in North America--from cities, towns and neighborhoods and moving to all places. We see our role in this vision as "faithful watchers." Like Simeon and Anna who waited patiently for the promised Messiah, so we wait patiently for a redeemed North America. We simply want to place ourselves in situations where we can see this vision become a reality. Thus, our strategy is to watch God continue to move and encourage those who are being caught up in his movement to be faithful to Jesus and to die to themselves.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Taking care of the poor and homeless

Family's Dinner For 5,000 Needy Takes The Cake

By Lia Nower
Of the Post-Dispatch Staff

Christmas came early for the Gieson family and about 5,000 of their friends. Last Sunday, Joan and Frank Gieson and their two children rounded up volunteers from as far away as Arkansas and served up food and gifts for thousands of needy people who streamed through the Normandy Junior High School cafeteria.

It was the 25th year for the Gieson Family Christmas celebration, which has grown from inviting a few homeless people over for dinner to planning a feast for a crowd. There was fried chicken, turnip greens, sweet potatoes and dressing and much more cake than anyone realized. "Did I tell you the story about the cake?" asked Joan Gieson, who directed the action like a traffic cop from her post in the center of the room.

Gieson said she had only 20 sheet cakes when the group started serving food at about 10 a.m. "That would only feed at the most about 2,000 people," she said. "I knew we were going to run out of dessert." Instead, sheet cake appeared from nowhere - enough to feed more than twice the estimated number of guests. And, as the crowd was winding down, Gieson found that the original 20 sheet cakes were still sitting, untouched, in the kitchen.

That story might sound amazing to some, but it's pretty routine stuff for Joan Gieson - missionary, caterer, mother of two. This year, the Giesons needed toys to give the youngsters as they left for the day. Enter Terry Bruck, a Berkeley resident who heard about the dinner and decided to donate 350 stuffed animals. He then spent the day serving food while wearing a Santa hat. The Giesons needed religious music to play during dinner. Pastor Bobby Adams from the Reign of Praise Church in St. Clair, Missouri, heard about the feast and packed his disc jockey equipment into the car. The Giesons needed cooks to stay up all night to prepare the meal. Ex-chef Mike Circello of Kansas City heard about the dinner and came to help.

The Giesons needed produce and money to buy chickens. Enter Carol and Charlie Nix, a couple from Little Rock, Ark., who donated thousands of dollars and drove all night to spend the day in the kitchen. "We had been in a religious crusade with Mrs. Gieson, but we didn't really know her," said Carol Nix. "The Lord has blessed us financially, so we wanted to give money to the less fortunate. Charlie said God told him to give the money to Mrs. Gieson." So the Nixes sent a check and drove to St. Louis. For Carol Nix, the experience was everything she'd hoped. "It's fantastic," she said. "I've had so much fun doing this.

The volunteers weren't the only ones who had fun. Valerie Holliday of Richmond Heights heard about the dinner at the Salvation Army. As her son, Jarrell Little, 4, wheeled around the hallway on the bike he got as a gift, his brother Michael, 2, tugged his gift - a purple and pink dinosaur- away from his mother. "This has been real nice," said Holliday, toting her gift of ham, corn meal, flour and fruit. "They've done an excellent job. One day I hope I'm in a position to donate to one of these programs.

If the Giesons have their way, the Christmas extravaganza will long be a program in need of donations. "When we were little, mom was always bringing street people home," said Mike Gieson, 34. "This whole thing has really grown." Does he plan someday to take over for mom and dad? "I have to think about it," he said. "But, I'm afraid I'd feel too guilty if I said no."

For more information, follow this link:

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Christmas: The season for showing God's love

"...For I was hungry and you fed Me, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, I was homeless and you gave Me a room, I was shivering and you gave Me clothes, I was sick and you stopped to visit, I was in prison and you came to Me...I tell you the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me--you did it to me." (Matthew 25:35-36, 40)

The evidence of our faith can be seen in our actions. We are to treat every person we encounter as if they were Jesus in the flesh. "What we do for others demonstrates what we really think about Jesus' words to us--feed the hungry, give the homeless a place to stay, look after the sick..." (Life Application Bible commentary)

"What does it profit, my brethren if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, 'Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,' but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? ..Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." (James 2:14-17)

Love speaks louder than words. Love is how we behave toward someone. Love is a verb--a word of action. I remember when I was younger, we had a homeless man sleeping in our yard. When you are a child, this can be a little alarming. But I remember my dad bringing this man into our home and ministering to him. He shared the love of God with him. We opened our home to this man and fed him. We did not have a lot to give then financially, but we gave out of what we had. As we see in the Bible, it's not the amount that matters, but your willingness to give and your obedience.

"Anyone who sets himself up as 'religious' by talking a good game is self-deceived. This kind of religion is hot air and only hot air. Real religion, the kid that passes muster before God the Father, is this: Reach out to the homeless and loveless in their plight, and guard against corruption from the godless world." (James 1:26,27 The Message)

Christianity is not going to church on Sunday. It is being the embodiment of Christ every day of the week. It is being God in the flesh--an extension of His love and kindness. During this Christmas season, we need to look for opportunities to share God's love--to help those that are less fortunate. As we do, we will find true joy, and our Father will be glorified.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

This is your time...

For such a time as this

In an hour that is becoming increasingly dark, when the spirit of the Antichrist is trying to eradicate the very name of Christ from Christmas, God is calling us to arise and shine.   We are not to fear the darkness, but rather to boldly proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ. “But how are people to call upon Him Whom they have not believed in?  And how are they to believe in Him of Whom they have never heard?  And how are they to hear without a preacher?”  It is not a time to be silent….

“Therefore He says, Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall shine upon you and give you light.  Look carefully then how you walk!  Live purposefully and worthily and accurately, not as the unwise and the witless, but as wise (sensible, intelligent people), Making the most of the time (buying up every opportunity), because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:16)

The church has been lulled to sleep.  We have become apathetic and complacent.  But God is trying to shake us up out of our lethargy.  It is time to awake, and to arise.  We need to begin to walk with purpose--to make the most of every moment and every opportunity; for the hour is coming when no man will work.  This is our time…

“Do not say, it is still four months until harvest time comes.  Look!  I tell you, raise your eyes and observe the fields, and see how they are already white for harvest.” (John 4:35)  Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.  This is your hour to arise and shine.  There are people in the darkness that are searching for a light of hope—a light of salvation.  They are lost in the dark and can’t find their way.  They need to see our light.

“You are the light of the world.  A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.  Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.  Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”  

How do we let our light shine?  By allowing the fruit of the Spirit to grow in our lives.  When we are humble, and meek, and merciful, we show forth the light of God.  When we love those that are unlovely, and pray for those who persecute us, the light of God shines in us.  We do not overcome evil with evil.  We overcome evil with good.  When we give place to the darkness through our words and actions, the world becomes a little bit darker.  But when we respond as Christ would, the light in us pierces the darkness and overcomes it.

“For you were once in darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.  Walk as children of light (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth), finding out what is acceptable to the Lord.  And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” (Ephesians 5:16)

We were once in darkness, but the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ has shone in our lives.  Therefore, we need to be imitators of Christ—to walk in His love and live a life that would glorify our heavenly Father.  

For such a time as this were you called….

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The Missing Jesus

(Author Unknown)

About a week before Christmas the family bought a new nativity scene. When they unpacked it they found 2 figures of the Baby Jesus. "Someone must have packed this wrong," the mother said, counting out the figures. "We have one Joseph, one Mary, three wise men, three shepherds, two lambs, a donkey, a cow, an angel and two babies. Oh, dear! I suppose some set down at the store is missing a Baby Jesus because we have 2."

"You two run back down to the store and tell the manager that we have an extra Jesus. Tell him to put a sign on the remaining boxes saying that if a set is missing a Baby Jesus, call 7126. "Put on your warm coats, it's freezing cold out there."
The manager of the store copied down mother's message and the next time they were in the store they saw the cardboard sign that read, "If you're missing Baby Jesus, call 7126."

All week long they waited for someone to call. Surely, they thought, someone was missing that important figurine. Each time the phone rang mother would say, "I'll bet that's about Jesus," but it never was. Father tried to explain there are thousands of these scattered over the country and the figurine could be missing from a set in Florida or Texas or California. Those packing mistakes happen all the time. He suggested just put the extra Jesus back in the box and forget about it...

“Put Baby Jesus back in the box! What a terrible thing to do!” said the children. "Surely someone will call," mother said. "We'll just keep the two of them together in the manger until someone calls." When no call had come by 5:00 on Christmas Eve, mother insisted that father "just run down to the store" to see if there were any sets left. "You can see them right through the window, over on the counter," she said. "If they are all gone, I'll know someone is bound to call tonight." "Run down to the store?" father thundered. "It's 15 below zero out there!" "Oh, Daddy, we'll go with you," Tommy and Mary began to put on their coats. Father gave a long sigh and headed for the front closet. "I can't believe I'm doing this," he muttered.

Tommy and Mary ran ahead as father reluctantly walked out in the cold. Mary got to the store first and pressed her nose up to the store window. "They're all gone, Daddy," she shouted. "Every set must be sold."
"Hooray," Tommy said "The mystery will now be solved tonight!" Father heard the news still a half block away and immediately turned on his heel and headed back home. When they got back into the house they noticed that mother was gone and so was the extra Baby Jesus figurine. "Someone must have called and she went out to deliver the figurine," my father reasoned, pulling off his boots. "You kids get ready for bed while I wrap mother's present."

Then the phone rang. Father yelled "answer the phone and tell 'em we found a home for Jesus." But it was mother calling with instructions for us to come to 205 Chestnut Street immediately, and bring three blankets, a box of cookies and some milk.

"Now what has she gotten us into?" my father groaned as we bundled up again. "205 Chestnut. Why that's across town. Wrap that milk up good in the blankets or it will turn to ice before we get there. Why can't we all just get on with Christmas? It's probably 20 below out there now. The wind is picking up. Of all the crazy things to do on a night like this."

When they got to the house at 205 Chestnut Street it was the darkest one on the block. Only one tiny light burned in the living room and, the moment we set foot on the porch steps, my mother opened the door and shouted, "They're here, Oh thank God you got here, Ray! You kids take those blankets into the living room and wrap up the little ones on the couch. I'll take the milk and cookies."

"Would you mind telling me what is going on, Ethel?" my father asked. "We have just walked through below zero weather with the wind in our faces all the way." "Never mind all that now," my mother interrupted. "There is no heat in this house and this young mother is so upset she doesn't know what to do. Her husband walked out on her and those poor little children will have a very bleak Christmas, so don't you complain. I told her you could fix that oil furnace in a jiffy.”

My mother strode off to the kitchen to warm the milk while my brother and I wrapped up the five little children who were huddled together on the couch. The children's mother explained to my father that her husband had run off, taking bedding, clothing, and almost every piece of furniture, but she had been doing all right until the furnace broke down.

"I been doing washing and ironing for people and cleaning the five and dime," she said. "I saw your number every day there, on those boxes on the counter. "When the furnace went out, that number kept going through my mind, 7162 7162, that is what it said on the box." If a person is missing Jesus, they should call 7162 7162. That's how I knew you were good Christian people, willing to help folks. I figured that maybe you would help me, too. So stopped at the grocery store tonight and I called your miss's. I'm not missing Jesus, mister, because I sure love the Lord. But I am missing heat. I have no money to fix that furnace.

"Okay, Okay!" said father. "You've come to the right place. Now lets see. You've got a little oil burner over there in the dining room. Shouldn't be too hard to fix. Probably just a clogged flue. I'll look it over, see what it needs."

Mother came into the living room carrying a plate of cookies and warm milk. As she set the cups down on the coffee table, I noticed the figure of Baby Jesus lying in the center of the table. It was the only sign of Christmas in the house. The children stared wide-eyed with wonder at the plate of cookies my mother set before them.

Father finally got the oil burner working but said, “You need more oil.” “I'll make a few calls tonight and get some oil.” “Yes, sir, you came to the right place,” father grinned.

On the way home father did not complain about the cold weather and had barely set foot inside the door when he was on the phone.
“Ed, hey, how are ya, Ed?" "Yes, Merry Christmas to you, too. Say Ed, we have kind of an unusual situation here I know you've got that pickup truck. Do you still have some oil in that barrel on your truck? You do?”

By this time the rest of the family were pulling clothes out of their closets and toys off of their shelves. It was long after their bedtime when they were wrapping gifts. The pickup came. On it were chairs, three lamps, blankets and gifts. Even though it was 30 below, father let them ride along in the back of the truck.
No one ever did call about the missing figure in the nativity set, but as I grow older I realize that it wasn't a packing mistake at all. Jesus saves, that's what HE DOES!

Monday, December 05, 2005

A Letter from Jesus

My Dear Children,

As you well know, we are getting closer to My birthday. Every year there is a celebration in My honor. During this time there are many people shopping for gifts, there are many radio announcements, TV commercials, and in every part of the world everyone is talking that my birthday is getting closer and closer. It is really very nice to know that at least once a year some people think of Me.

As you know, the celebration of My birth began many years ago. At first people seemed to understand and be thankful of all that I did for them, but in these times no one seems to know the reason for the celebration. Family and friends get together and have a lot of fun but they don't know the meaning of the celebration.

I remember that last year there was a great feast in My honor. The dinner table was full of delicious foods, pastries, fruits, assorted nuts, and chocolates. The decorations were exquisite and there were many, many beautifully wrapped gifts. But do you want to know something? I wasn't invited. I was the guest of honor and they didn't remember to send me an invitation. The party was for Me, but when that great day came, I was left outside. They closed the door in my face,and I wanted to be with them and share their table.

In truth, that didn't surprise me because in the last few years all close their doors to me. Since I wasn't invited, I decided to enter the party without making any noise. I went in and stood in a corner. They were all drinking. There were some who were drunk and telling jokes and laughing at everything. They were having a grand time. To top it all, this big fat man all dressed in red wearing a long white beard entered the room yelling Ho-Ho-Ho! He seemed drunk. He sat on the sofa and all the children ran to him saying, "Santa Claus, Santa Claus" as if the party were in his honor!

At midnight all the people began to hug each other. I extended my arms waiting for someone to hug me but no one did. Suddenly they all began to share gifts. They opened them one by one with great expectation. When all had been opened I looked to see if, maybe, there was one for Me. How would you feel if, on your birthday, everybody shared gifts and you did not get one? I then understood that I was unwanted at that party and quietly left.

Every year it gets worse. People only remember the gifts, the parties, to eat and drink, and nobody remembers Me. I would like this Christmas that you allow Me to enter into your life. I would like that you recognize the fact that almost two thousand years ago I came into this world to give my life for you on the cross in order to save you. Today, I only want that you believe this with all your heart.

I want to share something with you. As many didn't invite me to their party, I will have my own celebration, a grandiose party that no one has ever imagined, a spectacular party. I'm still making the final arrangements.

Today, I am sending out many invitations and there is an invitation for you. I want to know if you wish to attend and I will make a reservation for you and write your name with golden letters in my great guest book. Only those on the guest list will be invited to the party. Those who don't answer the invite, will be left outside. Be prepared because when all is ready you will be part of my great party.

See you soon. I Love you!


Sunday, December 04, 2005

Hear the voice of the Beloved

Dance With Me…

This Sunday during worship, I could hear the voice of the Beloved beckoning.  “Dance with Me.  Let Me hold you close.  I love you.”  It’s as if I can hear Him say, “Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away."  Come away with me. (Song of Solomon 2:10)

I hear the voice of my Beloved and I  respond, “My love, Let me see your face, Let me hear your voice; For your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.”  (Song of Solomon 2:14)

“I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valley.”  (Song of Solomon 2:1)
Jesus calls Himself the Rose of Sharon and the Lily of the Valley.  In Him we find sweetness and beauty.  As a rose of the field, He is accessible to all.   As a Lily, we see Him in His purity and in the beauty of holiness.  As a lily of the valley, we see His humility—that He made Himself of no reputation.

“Like a lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.” (Song of Solomon 2:2)
As the beloved of Christ, our beauty is found in being conformed to His image.  Though we may be surrounded by thorns, still His beauty can be seen in us.  When flowers are pressed, they give off a beautiful fragrance.  We are pressed, but not crushed… When we are hard pressed, we have an opportunity to exude the sweet fragrance of Christ.

“He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.” (Song of Solomon 2:4)
Christ has prepared a feast of love for us.  He has invited us to come and dine with him--to enjoy this extravagant love.  His love compels us to come near.  He longs to be intimate with us—to share with us His innermost thoughts.  

“For I am lovesick.” (Song of Solomon 2:5b)  This is an expression of passionate love—a yearning for the Beloved.  This should be the cry of the Bride of Christ.  Our hearts should yearn for His presence.  In the Psalms, David says, “One thing have I desired…that will I seek after—that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord…” My heart will echo this cry.  

“My Beloved is mine and I am His.” The Beloved has captured my heart.  He has conquered me with His love.

The Beloved is beckoning….

Hear the voice of the Beloved.  “Come away with Me.”  He is calling, waiting expectantly, yearning….